Thanks for writing to request information about ordering custom Calligraphy Services from Beautiful Calligraphy. The more information you give me, the more able I am to help answer any questions you have about ordering. I will respond to all inquires and provide an answer within 24 hours. You'll see I live on my computer so I answer requests quickly.... unless
oftentimes mail going back to you may end up in your spam box or not at all! That's why I ask for a phone number where I can text you ONLY ONE TIME if you haven't responded back to me. That's just to let you know that I have answered your request for information.
So, if you haven’t heard back from me within 24 hours, please check your spam box. or....
Also, forms sometimes "break" and I don't receive your request for information. You can also find me on Facebook.
Don't worry- check out my Rave Reviews!
I’m looking forward to collaborating with you to create a beautiful calligraphy piece!
I promise
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