<img decoding=”async” data-lazyloaded=”1″ src=”” class=”tve_image wp-image-8667″ alt=”Happy Birthday Calligraphy with background for a tennis lover” data-id=”8667″ width=”697″ data-init-width=”800″ height=”389″ data-init-height=”446″ title=”Tennis-Birthday-800″ loading=”lazy” data-src=”https://beautifulcalligraphy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Tennis-Birthday-800-1.jpg” data-width=”697″ data-height=”389″ data-srcset=”https://beautifulcalligraphy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Tennis-Birthday-800-1.jpg 800w, https://beautifulcalligraphy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Tennis-Birthday-800-1-300×167.jpg 300w, https://beautifulcalligraphy.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/07/Tennis-Birthday-800-1-768×428.jpg 768w” data-sizes=”(max-width: 697px) 100vw, 697px” /><noscript><img decoding=”async” class=”tve_image wp-image-8667″ alt=”Happy Birthday Calligraphy with background for a tennis lover” data-id=”8667″ width=”697″ data-init-width=”800″ height=”389″ data-init-height=”446″ title=”Tennis-Birthday-800″ loading=”lazy”

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Birthday Present for your Mom ~ Is it that time of year to get your mom a birthday gift? I bet you would really like to get her a something that will have a lot of meaning to her. You know she’s probably on a diet, so chocolate won’t do. And your taste in clothes

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Personalized Happy Birthday Calligraphy ~ Every birthday is a cause for celebration: gifts and cards. I enjoy making Happy Birthday calligraphy cards that I can post on social media and have printed that are personalized for the recipient. I have a beautiful flourished calligraphy Happy Birthday design already written out and then I use a

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Calligraphy Items for People’s Hobbies, Interests &Passions ~When you are looking for a gift for the person who has everything you need to be creative! You don’t want to just give “anything” – you want your gift to stand out! Think about your gift recipient’s personality, their hobbies, interest and passions and even the job that

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Beautiful pink cherry blossoms over white background A letter to a beloved niece on her 16th birthday from her Aunt was my latest project. How heartwarming to have your Aunt send you such a endearing and loving message! (I know how girls love “curlicues” so I added a bunch of flourishes to make it pretty).

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Calligraphy with YOUR Photo! You probably have many favorite photos that you never see!  Nowadays, your photos are stored in your phone, or maybe you have some paper prints that are stashed away in a drawer. And that’s a shame, because there’s a way to see those photos you love every day!    That’s one

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