Printing your Calligraphy Poem ~
There are so many choices when printing your calligraphy art! There are so many papers and surfaces that are now available. In the "olden days", you could choose a couple of papers, but printing on a photograph was only available when you ordered a huge quantity of the same text.

I remember having to hand write out ten memorial poems and have them framed with a photograph of the deceased person (a young surfer- very sad). And it cost a fortune because of all the time it took to write out those pieces individually.
I actually had to write calligraphy on mat board, and have a place cut out of the board to place the photo. It cost a fortune! Now that we have giclee printing this can be done much more cost efficiently.

Giclee Printers Create High Quality Printing of Calligraphy and Photography
I remember the first time I saw a "giclee print". I would have sworn it was the original!
If you’ve heard the word “giclee” (gee-clay), it comes from the French word to “spray.” Giclee print technology printers are now available at much lower prices and you can probably afford to buy one yourself. But let me tell you, that printing is really hard to get right. I gave up my printer and send my work to a company that SPECIALIZES in doing this printing. They have a great assortment of papers to choose from. And they do color correction.
Colors on Your Computer Vs. Mine
You probably don't realize this but unless you "calibrate" your computer screen using sophisticated technology the colors you see can be very different from the colors I see. And to make matters even more difficult, the colors on the computer screen are different from the colors of a print! That's why I use PROFESSIONAL printers who know their way with giclee printing! I want you to get the most perfect result on your calligraphy art.
And now printmaking that can be done in "limited runs". That means you can do one print at a very reasonable cost. In the past printing would cost much more money per print unless you did hundreds at the same time!

Giclee printing uses the highest quality archival pigment inks as well as archival heavy weight art papers that you will really appreciate. Now the edges can even be "deckled" like handmade paper. Many have beautiful textures. These giclee inks can maintain the color of the print and will not fade for up to a hundred years (with proper care)!
Choice of Surfaces For Print/Framing
Now with there are so many options available for printing your calligraphy poem or text. Your personalized calligraphy can be written on a variety of not just paper, but canvas, wood, glass, acrylic and on practically any surface! Look below for examples. I've actually seen beautiful photographs printing on shower curtains! No kidding! I had to buy one for myself!
Metallic Paper Looks Like Calligraphy in Gold

Metallic paper is one of the great options that I offer with your calligraphy order. This kind of paper brings out the shine in the calligraphy lettering (when it's in a light color) or even parts of the photo. It even seems to glow in a dark room.
This piece with the couple's selfie was printed on a thin-wrap so it was ready to hang, right out of the box. Doesn't it look great?
Printing in metallic gold or silver is impossibly expensive. But with metallic paper, using the right color for the calligraphy lettering, it can give the look and illumination of gold, silver or copper!
Calligraphy Services Means Lots of Options
When you contact me with your text, my calligraphy services includes lots of suggestions about how to make your calligraphy gift special. Instead of going with a plain "parchment" background, I encourage you to stretch and consider different options.
Background Choices Improve the Look of Calligraphy Alone
I love combining selfies with other backgrounds to personalize your calligraphy gift and make it even more sentimental. Sure it's great to have "your song" - but when you combine it with your photo, it's even better! If your special photograph or selfie you've taken sits on your phone or computer you rarely see it. But when we combine your photograph with another background photograph, like in this example above, it will make your calligraphy order even more special to you! And ordering multiples even brings down the price on the additional orders.
So, let's get started on your calligraphy- a gift for someone special- or for YOURSELF- because YOU are special and deserve it!