Song Lyrics in Calligraphy
Have you ever had Song lyrics or the melody stuck in your head? You can actually “hear” the song being sung. Those songs have such emotional impact. We can forget lots of events in our lives, but music somehow sticks in our mind and heart.
Song lyrics can make the perfect text for a unique calligraphy gift. Music lyrics written in calligraphy has the power of poetry & music combined and reminds you of the times that song brought out strong emotions. When you read the words to a song, it instantly takes you back to the time when that song made you feel a certain way. It can bring a smile to your eyes, or a tear to your eye. Our favorite song lyrics “date us” – you know what era it was when you first heard and loved that song. And the right music can elevate your mood when you’re feeling down.
(Do you dislike "new music" and still listen to the music from your youth?)- just asking
Lyrics are Poems
Song lyrics are really poems that are put to music. If you think about it, it's probably a lot harder to write lyrics than a poem because it has to fit into the beat of the music! One of the reasons I like to superimpose song lyrics on a background that has sheet music is so it pays homage to the fact that it IS music!
One of the pieces below has a stylized microphone, or musical notes to make it even more apparent that this is a song. A musical instrument can also be included- of course along with the personalization of your photo. The music can be very transparent sandwiched under a different background image.
Love Song Lyrics
Love song lyrics are one of my most common requests. That perfect song that you and your spouse had for your wedding first dance song along with a photo of that first dance makes such a great First Anniversary gift! I add your names, the date of the wedding, and even the place where the wedding took place. Using sheet music as a background make it clear that this is a song. I bet when you look at the calligraphy song lyrics with your photo of that happy time, it will make you smile!

And parents of the couple, take note! This is a wonderful gift you can give the couple as well! And remember, YOU also had a first dance with the bride or groom. What about making a special calligraphy keepsake with your photo at the wedding?

Your Favorite Song Lyrics
I know, I know…. not everything is about love. But you can also LOVE a song! If you don’t already know the song by heart, you can find the words to your favorite songs on many sites. I was asked to write out the lyrics to two of MY favorite songs: The Beatles: “In My Life”….. and Don Henley “The Heart of the Matter”..
And then there are quotes about music- that makes a unique gift for a musician in your life, right?! Music is a universal language that can written in calligraphy! Can’t think of an occasion to gift song lyrics? Here are s a bunch of ideas!

Music and Spirituality
I think that all religions use music as part of their service. The sound of music has the ability to elevate our mood, and expresses the inexpressible feelings that we have when words fail. Here are some pieces where people had profound feelings that music expressed.

Your Favorite Song Lyrics in Calligraphy
Music and song lyrics have a special place in our memories- you can remember what you were listening to during those special times. Adding a selfie or personalizing the lyrics with your special memories make the calligraphy are true keepsake- and a great gift for the person you shared those memories with!
Just contact me with your ideas- make sure to send me the lyrics, personalization and your ideas.
Framing Your Calligraphy
As with all my custom calligraphy artwork your song lyrics can be printed and framed so they're ready to hang, right out of the box!