Religious Text and Bible Verse ~
During our difficult times with Covid-19 and other terrible events having religious text, prayers, affirmations and even mantras can help calm us. I think that why my most frequent requests are Bible verse, Christian calligraphy and religious texts. And favorite quotes from Saints and other religious leaders have given a lot of comfort to people in these hard times.
You can see that religious text can have a beautiful background that makes it even more inspirational to look and enjoy.
The Christian calligraphy artwork above, "Hope, Joy, Peace and Love Have a Name - it is Jesus Christ" was written by Isaac Wimberely. The photo seemed to adjust itself when I was working on it in photoshop. The sun "became" a cross even though I hadn't planned it. Hmmmm.. what do you think? Was it a coincidence or Divine intervention?
Christian Scripture and Religious Writings
Religious text focused on Christian writings are frequently requests for my calligraphy services. Whether it's words directly from the Bible, "Words of Wisdom" from your pastor, priest or minister, a hymn you hum to yourself, or your own favorite prayers, those words can give great comfort to many people.
Words To Live By- Religious Scripture
The Christian and Old Testament Bible certainly have "Words To Live By". You can do that literally by picking your favorite verse and having it written beautifully in calligraphy. It's there to remind you, especially when things are not going well. And it's also there for when you feel gratitude.
BTW, gratitude is the antidote to stress!
Religious scripture, Biblical verses, text, psalms and personal prayers and words that express love of Christianity and Jesus Christ are often requested for by my calligraphy services. When you have your own favorite prayer, custom calligraphy is a way to have it written and framed to keep nearby you.
Love of Jesus
Love of Jesus and Mary is expressed in so much Religious scripture, Biblical verses, text, psalms and personal prayers. Many people also have religious musical hymns that are meaningful to them. Biblical text that’s written in calligraphy can be decorated with a visual background, or a beautiful and historical looking border design to give you joy and inspiration every time your eye notices the calligraphy art piece. That’s what I call, “Words to Live By”. That’s a double entendre that truly has meaning both ways. Wouldn’t you like to keep these beautiful words nearby to inspire and motivate and comfort you?There are so many beautiful images to choose from for the perfect background for your religious scripture. It makes the text even more beautiful to look at!
Christian Calligraphy for Couples
Christian's Prayers
There are so many beautiful images to choose from for the perfect background for your religious scripture. It makes the text even more beautiful to look at and to inspire you. Christian religious calligraphy is also the perfect gift for the holidays!
Backgrounds that Fit With Religious Theme
Many Christians also have religious musical hymns that are meaningful to them. Consider using a hymn that you love written in calligraphy with a beautiful background.
Bible text that’s written in calligraphy can be decorated with a visual background, or a beautiful and historical looking border design to give you joy and inspiration every time your eye notices the calligraphy art piece. That’s what I call, “Words to Live By”. That’s a double entendre that truly has meaning both ways. Wouldn’t you like to keep these beautiful words nearby to inspire and motivate and comfort you?
Bible Verse to Help You at Work
Yes, these are trying times and many people are challenged with emotional issues. Asking for help from Jesus can be in the form of reciting bible verses, or just asking in His name. This Real Estate agent uses this verse as a Mission Statement in her office and tells her clients how she uses her religious beliefs to be at her best.
Your Patron Saint
Do you have a Patron Saint whose blessings you seek?
This piece was designed for a Church Hospital named for Saint Terese. I was lucky to find a beautiful stained glass window with the Saint and use "Gothicized Italic" calligraphy. It's named gothicized because the arches of the letters look like the church windows of that era. It's one of my favorite pieces.
Christian Bible Verse
Bible verse calligraphy or any religious scripture can be designed to look historical, with decorated leading letters and designs. But if you’re on a budget, this is very time consuming and exacting work. This kind of decoration in the letter “L” is called “white vine illumination”. You can see the white vine with the colors behind that look like a stained glass window.
Gold Calligraphy is Illumination
Real gold is added, and that’s called "illumination"– the light that the gold reflects. It is really beautiful and very expensive because of the materials- REAL gold, and gesso which is hand made from some dangerous chemicals takes a lot of time and precision to get right. If it's not done properly the gold will flake off! Check out this great post about gesso and gold from an old friend of mine, Jerry Tresser.
There are wonderful modern day scribes whose calligraphy services specialize in doing this ancient type of design handwork. Oftentimes these scribes who work on Bible scripture are also artists who design, paint and do raised gold illumination on actual parchment. The parchment alone, which is animal skin, can cost hundreds of dollars and take many hours to prepare for writing.
History of Calligraphy
Before there were printed books, such as the Gutenberg Bible, Europeans made handwritten books or manuscripts for more than a thousand years! Far back in history, scribes were some of the very few people who knew how to read and write. Their contribution to the future was immeasurable. Before the time of the printing press, the only way that books survived was when scribes copied them – MANY times over! The scribes, who were most often monks, had to learn how to write in a particular style of calligraphy that was the style of the place and time. Then these books were kept in Churches to preserve them for the future.
How Hand Written Books were Saved
Scribes didn’t just copy Biblical text, but also other books from their times that were considered important. I read a fascinating book about this: “The Swerve”, by Stephen Greenblatt, who won the National Book Award. The author brought out really important ideas about how the writings and teachings from the past would have all been lost if not for people who collected, protected and disseminated these important books to others throughout the centuries. From reading this book I realized that apart from some charred papyrus fragments recovered from a villa near Pompeii that survived the explosion of Mount Vesuvius, there are no surviving contemporary manuscripts from the ancient Greek and Roman world! Everything that has reached us is a copy, most often very far removed in time, place and culture from the original. And these copies represent only a small portion of the works even of the most celebrated writers of antiquity. The Swerve is a must read! I loved this book. But then, I'm a calligrapher and into this kind of "geeky" information. The people in my book club didn't love it like me.
Serenity Prayer
Although it's not strictly a Christian Prayer, the well known Serenity Prayer by Reinhold Niebuhr is probably the perfect prayer in all situations. It is available as a print in my store. I have it over my desk, and let me tell you, I read it frequently! It sure helps me deal with the stress in our country right now!
Your own Prayers
Do you have a phrase that is like your own prayer you recite to yourself and others in times of need? That can make a wonderful addition to your desk or area in your home where you spend time- perhaps your bedside table?
Bible Study Group
If you are in a Bible Study Group, you might want to order multiples of your groups favorite prayers (multiple prints are deeply discounted) for gifts. When you get multiple paper prints the prices are discounted. They make great Christmas gifts!
St. Francis of Assisi's Peace Prayer
The first line of "The Peace Prayer" by St. Francis lays out in beautiful language a honorable life's path: "Lord, make me an instrument of you Peace". St. Francis of Assisi is known for his beautiful prayers. He was a Catholic friar who gave up a life of wealth to live a life devoted to Christianity after having a mystical vision. He gave away his father's wealth and all he owned, He was the founder of the Franciscan order and is known as the patron saint of animals and the environment.
Why A Rock Cairn For the Peace Prayer
When I read the poem, I imagined that St. Francis had written a road map for how to live a spiritual and kind life. That meant a lot for me. A rock cairn is a trail marker that is set up on hikes where there are no clear directions for where to go. I just love the colors of the rocks and how calming they are.
If you love the way the Peace Prayer of St Francis is written in calligraphy above, it is available as a print in the store. That means the cost is much less than having an original written out for you. I can also use the text and change to a background that you imagine when you read St Francis' Peace Prayer!
Do you have a favorite prayer of St. Francis, or other prayers, psalms, or biblical verse? They are words to live by- and remind you to stay on your chosen path! Contact me to get started on your favorite text - and May you have a blessed day!