Famous Quote from T Roosevelt of entrepreneurship written in calligraphy

 Inspirational and Motivational Quotes ~

A calligraphy motivational quote is a gift that never stops reminding a person of a life goal. It inspires and motivates you to be your best self! When it's beautiful calligraphy with an image that excites you and reflects the meaning, it means even more every time you see it you have a visual reminder to stay the course. 

Motivational quote by Mark Twain written in calligraphy with a sailboat going out to sea

Quotes to Write In Calligraphy

I used to collect quotes to write in calligraphy. But so many clients bring me their own. I really enjoy reading their motivational and inspirational quotes because it gives me insight into other's challenges. It can feel really hard to reaching a particular goal when you feel alone. So having these type of inspirational quotes that were written by famous people throughout the centuries makes you realize that you're not the only one who has had a hard time!

Here are a feel of the motivational quotes that I've saved:

It's hard to beat a person who never gives up. ~ Babe Ruth

"It is not the mountain we conquer, but ourselves." Sir Edmund Hillary

Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll still land among the stars.

"Work is love made visible." - Kahlil Gibran

"You can tell how big a person is by what it takes to discourage him." ~Anon

To dare is to lose one's footing momentarily.  To NOT dare is to lose oneself. " - Soren Kierkegaard

Motivational quote about patience written in calligraphy
Motivational quote about your destiny written in calligraphy with picture of the author

Your Favorite Inspirational Quote or Poem

Do you have a motivational or inspirational quote, or even an affirmation that you repeat to yourself? There are also poems that have a very inspirational message. Are you working in an area that is a constant challenge and you need words of wisdom to keep going when the times are tough? What do you tell yourself to motivate and inspire you?

I find it so amazing that there are quotes from so long ago that we still repeat and memorize as motivational. It shows that even before technology and the modern world that people had the same problems then as we have now!

calligraphy quote that is inspirational

Words To Live By

The expression "words to live by" actually has two meanings, literal and figurative. When a motivational quote has meaning for you that's the figurative expression. But when it means actually living near by those words that are inspirational it means you should have them written where you see them! And what better way is there than having them written in beautiful calligraphy with a photo that goes with the quote?! 

Short Quote

Serenity Prayer quote in calligraphy with beach background

It can actually take longer to write out a short calligraphy quote that a long poem! I know this sounds illogical, but let me explain.

When you have fewer words, it's important to bring out the important meaning of the text and that can be done with design. Sometimes I will change the size, color or boldness of those words that are most important. That's what I did with my version of The Serenity Prayer. I have different versions of this beautiful quote that are available as prints

Motivate Yourself

If there's no cheering squad to motivate or inspire you, having that calligraphy quote nearby can serve the purpose. These are generally quotes from important people who are cheering you on! YOU deserve to gift yourself with something that will help you achieve your goals! And these motivational and inspirational quotes are great gifts for new graduates.

I made this Steve Jobs quote for my nephew when he graduated. He was definitely a person who stood out from the crowd. And the one apple that was different really was the perfect image to combine with this motivational quote!

Steve Jobs quote from graduation speech written in calligraphy with red apple standing out from the rest

Inspirational Quotes can Motivate

There's a difference between inspiration and motivation. Inspiration is something that you feel on the inside, while motivation is something from outside of yourself that helps you to take an action. It's said that inspiration is a driving force and the motivation is more of a pulling force.

I say that when your head and your heart are in agreement it's much easier to get yourself working towards your goal. Here's a site that has some great inspirational quotes to peruse. And ordering a calligraphy motivational quote can keep you on that road. So why not order your favorite quote for yourself or someone you care about!