On Father’s Day, you need to find something for the man who generally has it all.

NOT another TIE!! ~

Does your father have EVERYTHING? ~ Are you constantly trying to figure out what to gift to get for the man who has everything, and definitely doesn’t need another tie?

Sometimes it’s hard to say what you feel to your father, but you want him to know that you love him, and he’s been an amazing influence in your life. You can have those words written for him in beautiful calligraphy. Maybe he has a quote, or even a joke that he enjoys. Custom calligraphy enables you to pick his favorite text and combine it with photos, artwork or anything of your choice!

Maybe you are the wife and trying to figure out what to get the daddy of your babies? Here’s an example of a gift that will never wear out, and will always give joy to your wonderful husband, or even step-dad!

I combined a photo with calligraphy and a celtic knot design, because of their Irish Heritage  This is a gift that you can easily get for your dad! Or if you’re a mother and looking to give your husband, the father of your little children a gift, think about how much this would mean for your spouse! 

A great quote and photo can also be imprinted on lots of items: a T-shirt, baseball cap, coffee mug or stainless steel water bottle. He can take it everywhere!

Calligraphy is ALWAYS the perfect gift!