Mother’s Day is a time we try to share with our mothers to give back a little to the person who gave you the most important gift of all: LIFE. ~

My mother passed away almost 5 years ago, and there’s not a day that goes by when I don’t think of dream about her. Yes, we were very close. That why, when I found this beautiful quote, I knew I had to write it out in beautiful calligraphy. It’s words tell you all: she is always there with you. It was a gift for myself to be able to read these words when I’m missing her.

If your mom has passed, and you want words to remind you of her, I can write these words on a background of your choice in beautiful calligraphy.

memorial- Love poem for Mother with personalization and photo

Of course, I can do this quote, or any other for you in custom calligraphy. Write to me, and tell me what you’d like – and we can come up with the perfect memorial artwork together. You might even want to get extra copies for your siblings.

Keep your mother close to you always. Choose to remember the best, and let the rest go. That’s a life lesson that will make you happy and healthy!