I love this inspirational quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson. I think it’s good to have words around you that remind you to stay on the right path, to be authentic. They inspire you when you’re feeling down. Inspirational quotes make a great gift for graduates.
Famous Inspirational Quotes
"Words to Live By" has two meanings for calligraphy writer. It's the words that express the way you want to live your life. The second meaning for me is having those words nearby to remind me!
There are so many famous inspirational quotes. If you think about what an inspirational quote is, they are Words To Live By! What inspires YOU or the person you are gifting? That is a very individual decision. It's something you know about some who is close to you.
Different Kinds of Inspirational Quotes
There are times in our lives when we're ready for a particular kind of inspirational quote. Of course, someone starting college may need different inspiration from someone graduating. And someone getting married, dealing with hardship, starting a new quest all may need different quotes to inspire them!
Luckily, there are so many sources for different kinds of inspirational sayings.
What is the Difference Between Inspirational and Motivational Quotes and Sayings?
When you think of sayings that can motivate or inspire you they are actually very different! What's the difference between inspirational and motivational quotes? It's very important! Motivational quotes are about things you think you "should" be doing. Inspirational quotes are about things that you "WANT" to do or accomplish.
I'm also a Stress Relief counselor! In my other website about managing stress, I write about how much easier it is to do what you "want" to do, vs. what you should be doing. "Should" is an external pressure from society or those around you, and it's generally something you are procrastinating about doing because you really don't want to do it! Think about it: if you don't do the things you "should do" it can make you feel guilty and unworthy! Stick with the positive form- which is INSPIRATION!
As human beings, we always do what we want to do, vs. what we should be doing. When you need to be motivated it's more about being forced, or a victim instead of a looking forward to accomplishing what you WANT to do! Think about it. I bet you'll see I'm right!
I try my best to know who I am, and keep "Words I Live By" close to keep my mindful of walking the talk. It helps!

Steve Jobs probably had more impact on humanity than almost any other human that ever lived. Personal computers have changed the entire world. That why I admire this quote from Jobs. It broke my heart when he died. All of my "i" products are from Apple, his company.
It was from Steve Jobs a speech he gave at Stanford University graduation. I found the PERFECT photo to go along- green apples with one red apple that stood out from the crowd – just like Steve Jobs. Isn’t this the perfect gift for a graduate in your life?

Famous Inspirational Speakers
Here are photos and the quotes of other famous inspirational speakers. You may be surprised about the background of many of these people who made statements to inspire others-
Ralph Waldo Emerson was famous in his time, and even now! He was a Unitarian Universalist who made memorable writings and statements that were not inspirational based on religious doctrine.
His inspirational saying about success really puts life and achievement into perspective!
You can personalize this quote to let the person you think that THEY are successful. I wrote this quote in calligraphy about my mother, Adele Ludwig. She was a woman who I not only loved, but admired greatly. Add personalization is just some of the calligraphy services and design work that I encourage. I will also help you with editing to make sure that everything is spelled correctly.
Inspirational Quote by Teddy Roosevelt

A famous entrepreneur wanted this inspirational quote written for his office. I found the words that were the sub message and brought them out with color and size.
What words speak to you? I encourage you to have them written out for you in hand calligraphy to remind yourself to be the best you can be! The words and images give you that additional impetus!
Inspirational Quotes for Women
There are many wonderful inspirational quotes specifically meant for women. That's because women don't need motivational quotes- they work hard enough and have too much responsibility, in my opinion. They need to be inspired to do what they want to do by getting over the fear of what the world and people around them will say to keep them in their place: barefoot and pregnant. Yes, you can determine from what I'm writing that I'm a feminist. I hope you are as well. I hope you can find a wonderful inspirational quote that has words to live by that will help you be strong, live authentically with a successful and happy life!