When you take your time and look throughout Beautiful Calligraphy site you'll find many different quotes. Here's the good news. Many of them are available as prints, which end up costing less because they are already completed in calligraphy. Inspirational quotes are very popular. Just write to me if you're interested in getting one of these prints, AND you can still customize them with you own background choice and even include your own photographs!
Why People Love Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational quotes and poems can help you feel motivated and happier. Even though this is a blog about calligraphy, I want you to also realize that the power of words (along with imagery) can have a profound impact on your mood and your health and even longevity in life. Inspirational quotes are stress relieving and have a power to heal, especially when you repeat them - like in prayers and affirmations.
Peace of Wild Things
"The Peace of Wild Things" by Wendell Berry is said to be a poem that can actually bring down your stress level. You may feel peace from a different kind of environmental setting. You can order a background that gives you that special feeling of calm. That's one of the options of custom calligraphy and design.
Inspirational and motivational quotes are wonderful gifts for college graduates. I wrote this wonderful prophetic paragraph in calligraphy from an inspirational commencement speech Steve Jobs gave at a university graduation. When I found the image of one red apple that stood out from the rest I thought that was the perfect graphic to go with the inspirational quote from Apple Founder, Jobs.
Historical Inspirational Quotes Still Have Meaning
Uplifting quotes from famous people have been saved for centuries. I find that interesting because we think that we, as humans, have progressed so much over the centuries. But even the oldest quotes still apply to our present day!
Famous Quotes from Famous People
My custom calligraphy services frequent requests to write quotes from famous people: the ones we most admire. Your choice of a quote actually says a lot about you. What you believe in, how you live your life, what you are passionate about often comes from the people we admire and aspire to be like, and the things they say. If you listen to public speakers they will often quote others who they admire and follow. If you want to inspire others, it often comes down to quoting other’s important sayings, and even jokes. These sayings don’t even have to be from modern times – luckily, we have the words of historical figures whose quotes have inspired and motivated and moved people for centuries. They are timeless.
Quotes are available everywhere, even used for advertisements on bill boards, on the internet, in libraries. In our day and age, of course all you have to do is go to Google to ask! Here’s a place for top 100 famous quotes.
One of the reasons we love reading quotes, and perhaps even writing them down and pasting them to your workspace is because they speak to you. Famous quotes are empathetic and tell the reader that they are not the first person to find the thoughts expressed in the quote as meaningful. Inspirational and motivational quotes serve as advisors to us. Oftentimes the people who speak these quotes are political figures, literary giants, beloved leaders and even famous personalities.
Quotes I Love
Although Bonnie Raitt is a well known musician, I was listening to her concert and heard her say something that really resonated with me: “It took me a long time to get here, but I’m right on time”. Do you ever feel that way?
I've been reading Glennon Doyle's books and "Untamed" really speaks to me. She has some very profound quotes about women and their roles in life. She writes about being true to yourself as a person. I had to buy this book for myself to underline to inspire me. Check it out!
A high-powered very successful entrepreneur recently had a request for a Theodore Roosevelt quote. Writing calligraphy is more than just putting words on a piece of paper. I work hard to find the meaningful words in a text, and making those stand out from the rest. It’s almost like a puzzle using calligraphy. But I’ve learned that this can be achieved by emphasizing the size, color or type of lettering in an important phrase. The result is a seeing a subtext in a longer piece of writing.
Inspirational Words To Live By
What words have power for you? One of the most powerful quotes which was ascribed to both Nelson Mandella (incorrectly) but is actually written by Marianne Williamson is also a meaningful message to remind you of your own inner strength.
Inspirational quotes abound and you may already have a favorite quote. Perhaps you hand wrote it and stuck it near your desk to inspire and motivate you. It looks a lot better written in calligraphy with a beautiful image. Make sure you put in search words and save the pictures you love.
“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There’s nothing enlightened about shrinking, so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we’re liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
- by Marianne Williamson
Inspirational Gifts
Inspirational quotes make heartfelt gifts. The Serenity Prayer is one of the most recited quotes for people in recovery. It can be made with any type of background you choose. I can add any background image you prefer. Just click below to get started on your favorite inspirational quote and words to live by.
And rather than giving someone the print that they have to frame I have some really nice methods of having the gift arrive ready to hang!
In the clouds version
Rose Petals versioni
What Inspires YOU?
What words speak to you? Let me help you get them off little snippets of paper stuck to your computer, and have them written in custom calligraphy for your inspiration and motivation for a unique gift or to encourage YOU to be your best self. Just contact me and let’s come up with something beautiful for you!
And remember, you can have them printed on a variety of surfaces ready to display!