Gift for New Mother or Mother To Be ~
Are you a grateful, loving husband or partner who is celebrating a first Mother’s Day after the birth of your child. What a wonderful time in your lives! There’s no better time in life than when that first baby arrives and creates a family. There are so many loving feelings; and too often they are not expressed because maybe you’re BOTH too tired!
So, here’s the perfect solution. Combining your message of love and appreciation to the mother of your child written in a beautiful calligraphy. If you’re a good writer, come up with your own message of love of gratitude. If you’re writing challenged, there’s always wonderful poetry. And a third method is by going to a card store, and writing down a couple of phrases that resonate with you. Combine them together!
First Mother's Day
After your little one is born there's the opportunity for a gift for her first Mothers Day. Then we can collaborate to either come up with a beautiful floral design, or include a photo of her with your new baby. Talk about a special unique gift that will ALWAYS be treasured!
You still have time to be sneaky and grab that camera while she’s feeding, cuddling, or playing with the baby. Because Mother’s Day is still off a little bit, she won’t suspect! But don’t wait! It’s getting close!
Unique Gift For New Mother
You don't have to wait until Mother's Day to get a gift for the new mother! Showing your gratitude to your woman for giving you the best gift possible in life: a new life- your own child. Believe me, going through pregnancy and birth is no easy time! She deserves to be thanked!
Adopted Baby
Also, for adoptive parents, waiting and wanting a baby and then finally having your new arrival is a reason to celebrate as well. You can commemorate this new family with a personalized family certificate.
ps: Make sure you take a HIGH resolution picture (set your camera to get the highest quality picture to make a clear, crisp print). Here are other tips to take a great photograph.