A new baby is a reason to celebrate. So many people buy clothes for a new baby, and they are really cute. But the baby will grow out of the adorable outfit quickly. A gift that the baby will not outgrow, and will become a treasured memory of the birth is a unique decorated birth certificate.

When you order a custom birth certificate, it can have any information and design that would fit for the family. Poetry or quotes, family tree, name definition, Flowers, sports, arts, colors, are all customized. Any information you like can also become part of the design: the baby's name, birthdate, weight, time of birth, siblings, parents names; astrological sign..... it's all up to you.
Another choice is to use a predesigned background and add the text. That's a great way to get a custom gift, but to save money. And it's all printed, and mailed to your recipient. Standard sizes are available for easy framing, and other pritning options are also available.
So think out of the box- and get your friends something they will always appreciate, and that can't be outgrown!